Onsite Fibre Cutting Machine
In partnership with Skako, we have developed a new product on the market – an onsite fibre cutting machine to be used on construction sites.
The purpose of the cutting machine is to secure a more effective use of fibre. With the machine, you no longer need to buy several lengths of fibre. Instead, you receive your polypropylene fibre in tow and use the machine to cut the different lengths of fibre as required.
How it works
The cutting machine is small in size and includes a cutting head, motor and control system. It is simple to use and fully automatic. All you need to do is mount the cutting machine to a concrete mixer, a skip hoist, an intermediate hopper or a belt conveyer. The cutting machine will cut the tow of fibre into the required lengths and add the fibres to the concrete mix directly.
No manual handling is required, and it only takes a few minutes to change between different cutting lengths. As a standard, the cutting machine comes with a cutting wheel of 6 mm. However, additional cutting wheels of 3, 12 and 18 mm can be purchased.
Key benefits
- Save space on the building site: Instead of having to store several fibre products of different lengths, you only need to store tow of polypropylene fibre on your building site, if you have a cutting machine.
- Cut down on waste: Instead of buying a set amount of fibres in different lengths, you produce the different lengths of fibre on site – in accordance with your actual need; avoid excessive amounts of specific fibre lengths, and use the leftover tow of fibre for other construction projects.
By replacing the manual process of adding fibres to the concrete mix, the cutting machine also secures an accurate proportioning of fibres and a homogeneous distribution with no lumps.
Both monofilament and multifilament fibres of polypropylene can be used in the cutting machine. Please contact us for more information on which other types of fibre may be used.
The cutting machine has an outlet funnel with a pneumatic sliding gate to prevent dust and moisture from penetrating the machine. The machine also has monitoring indicators in case of thread rupture or thread stop.

Technical data:
Possible cutting lengths:
3, 6, 12 and 18 mm
Proportioning capacity:
Approx. 2.6 m/sec corresponding to 50 g/sec
Repeating accuracy:
+/- 2%
The data stated depends on fibre type.
To get more information about the on-site fibre cutting machine, please contact us.